BSL Alternatives

Opposing breed specific legislation doesn't mean opposing any dog legislation! Progressive communities are moving towards what we call Responsible Owner Legislation.​ An effective animal control strategy would integrate the following:

Strong bylaws
Robust legislation targets known risk factors for dog bites. Bylaws are clear and specific and hold the owner accountable for the behaviour of his/her dog. Infractions are associated with fines that escalate until the owner gets the message and changes their behaviour. If this doesn't happen and there is a concern for community safety, the ultimate consequence is removing the dog from the home.

​Read sample bylaws here.

Bylaws are not effective unless they are enforced. If a community is truly committed to safety, they will need to invest in trained enforcement officers. When animal control officers are seen in the community and are actively issuing tickets for infractions, people are motivated to be responsible. Along with licensing fees, fines and tickets for negligent owners can serve as a revenue source to strengthen an animal control program.

Animal control officers are not just a punitive force. They can provide support to members of the community and intervene early when they spot potential problems.

Bite free education
Successful communities identify those most at risk of getting into an altercation with a dog - for example, children, mail carriers, meter readers, and delivery people. While it is the responsibility of the owner to contain and manage their dog, you can reduce bite risk by teaching people how to read a dog's body language, how to approach them safely, and how to de-escalate a confrontation.

Learn about Justice for Bullies' FREE bite education programs here. 

Community support
Members of the community must be willing to report dog bites, or problematic behaviour. This is easier when strong and fair bylaws exist, because neighbours know that the owner will be held accountable, and the dog won't necessarily be seized or euthanized.

The community can also support programs like subsidized vet care, spay/neuter clinics, and outreach programs that promote responsible ownership and care.

Good bylaws hold owners responsible for their dog's behaviour. But if a dog attack were to happen, the onus is on the victim to take the owner to civil court and sue for damages. A shelter, rescue, or breeder is also exempt from liability when they have irresponsibly placed a dog in the community. We believe that a wider conversation needs to take place around these liability issues, holding people responsible for preventable injury and damages and ensuring that victims are fairly compensated.