#BSLbytes #29: Canadian Veterinary Medical Association

Posted by Chantelle Mackney on

Breed specific legislation is not evidence-based and lacks support by reputable academic and professional groups. We will be talking about some of these groups as part of our @BSLbytes campaign.

The Canadian and American Veterinary Associations have spoken out against breed specific legislation. These organizations are professional associations for the veterinary profession – a vocation that involves handling animals every day and dealing with complex behaviours in high-stress environment. They are a population worth listening to!

“The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association (CVMA) supports dangerous dog legislation provided that it is not discriminatory of a specific breed. This legislation should be directed at fostering the safety and protection of the general public from dogs classified as “dangerous” or “vicious”. The CVMA encourages and supports a community approach to dog bite prevention, including responsible breeding, training, pet selection and pet ownership as well as education on animals in the community…”

Excerpted. Read full position statement here:

#endBSL #notoBill128 #Canada150 #BSLbytes
Source and further reading:

For background on the #BSLbytes campaign visit the HugABull blog: http://blog.hugabull.com/take-a-byte-out-of-bsl


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