About Us

Justice for Bullies (JFB) was founded December 26, 2014. We are a Non Profit Society with no paid employees or board members, we are not a rescue.
The object(s) of the Society is/are
a) To operate a society that benefits the community by promoting responsible dog ownership and advances the education of the public on principles of responsible dog ownership.
b) To advance education by providing assistance, resources/literature and education to dog owners regarding responsible ownership.
c) To advance education by providing assistance, resources/literature and education to dog owners regarding breed-neutral animal policies.
d) To advance education by providing classes/assistance/resources/literature and education to the community regarding dog bite prevention.
e) To cooperate and collaborate with and to assist by gift or otherwise other persons and organizations involved with promoting principles of responsible dog ownership and breed neutral animal policies.
Justice for Bullies is a community of 70,000+ Facebook & Instagram followers who have come together to encourage and demonstrate responsible dog ownership while promoting breed neutral bylaws and free dog bite prevention programs.
Breed specific legislation (BSL) is a law that is passed by legislative members which pertains to a certain breed. It can be in the form of a ban, or rules, requirements, regulations and restrictions. The idea behind BSL is that it will reduce dog bites, and also reduce unwanted behavior from humans such as criminal activity. BSL presumes that a breed or breeds resembling this breed are inherently dangerous. BSL punishes responsible dog owners & dogs based off of their appearance, instead of the individual actions of each dog. BSL is expensive, ineffective, and provides a false sense of public safety.
On March 16, 2015, the founder of Justice for Bullies, Chantelle Mackney, was granted the opportunity to speak to the Council of Chestermere, Alberta, Canada. The presentation pointed out the problems with BSL and offered a solution to achieving a safe and harmonious community. The solution was simple a responsible dog ownership bylaw that was breed neutral. After a successful delegation, history was made on June 1, 2015, when BSL was repealed.
On August 17th we spoke to the Redcliff, Alberta, Canada Council and with that delegation we received a motion to move forward with respect to repealing BSL and replacing it with a breed neutral bylaw that encourages responsible ownership. On October 26, 2015 we received the news that the 3rd signing had taken place and as of January 1, 2016 Redcliff, Alberta will be BSL free.
We have since started our own dog bite prevention program with wonderful children's coloring books paired up with the "Family Dog" dog bite prevention classes. This is available in Alberta and BC and has reached over 800 children since March of 2018.
Our movement does not stop here. It is our mission to eradicate BSL globally, and we need your help to do it. The future of our dogs depends on all of you. All it takes is one person to find their voice; we need you to be that voice.
For more information on responsible dog ownership and how you can become active in fighting BSL please go to our webpage, or “like” us on Facebook and follow our Instagram account.
The object(s) of the Society is/are
a) To operate a society that benefits the community by promoting responsible dog ownership and advances the education of the public on principles of responsible dog ownership.
b) To advance education by providing assistance, resources/literature and education to dog owners regarding responsible ownership.
c) To advance education by providing assistance, resources/literature and education to dog owners regarding breed-neutral animal policies.
d) To advance education by providing classes/assistance/resources/literature and education to the community regarding dog bite prevention.
e) To cooperate and collaborate with and to assist by gift or otherwise other persons and organizations involved with promoting principles of responsible dog ownership and breed neutral animal policies.
Justice for Bullies is a community of 70,000+ Facebook & Instagram followers who have come together to encourage and demonstrate responsible dog ownership while promoting breed neutral bylaws and free dog bite prevention programs.
Breed specific legislation (BSL) is a law that is passed by legislative members which pertains to a certain breed. It can be in the form of a ban, or rules, requirements, regulations and restrictions. The idea behind BSL is that it will reduce dog bites, and also reduce unwanted behavior from humans such as criminal activity. BSL presumes that a breed or breeds resembling this breed are inherently dangerous. BSL punishes responsible dog owners & dogs based off of their appearance, instead of the individual actions of each dog. BSL is expensive, ineffective, and provides a false sense of public safety.
On March 16, 2015, the founder of Justice for Bullies, Chantelle Mackney, was granted the opportunity to speak to the Council of Chestermere, Alberta, Canada. The presentation pointed out the problems with BSL and offered a solution to achieving a safe and harmonious community. The solution was simple a responsible dog ownership bylaw that was breed neutral. After a successful delegation, history was made on June 1, 2015, when BSL was repealed.
On August 17th we spoke to the Redcliff, Alberta, Canada Council and with that delegation we received a motion to move forward with respect to repealing BSL and replacing it with a breed neutral bylaw that encourages responsible ownership. On October 26, 2015 we received the news that the 3rd signing had taken place and as of January 1, 2016 Redcliff, Alberta will be BSL free.
We have since started our own dog bite prevention program with wonderful children's coloring books paired up with the "Family Dog" dog bite prevention classes. This is available in Alberta and BC and has reached over 800 children since March of 2018.
Our movement does not stop here. It is our mission to eradicate BSL globally, and we need your help to do it. The future of our dogs depends on all of you. All it takes is one person to find their voice; we need you to be that voice.
For more information on responsible dog ownership and how you can become active in fighting BSL please go to our webpage, or “like” us on Facebook and follow our Instagram account.