What does Justice for Bullies do with the profits?

Posted by Chantelle Mackney on

Justice for Bullies is a legally operating, and recognized Non Profit Society in Alberta.

In order to fulfill the demands by the government to operate we are required to do the following:

Mandatory liability insurance = $1500.00 annually -To put this into perceptive we are required to sell approx 150 hoodies to cover this bill.

We are required to have a postal box which is almost $200.00 a year.

We are required to have an accountant to file and submit our year end. That was almost $600.00. Hopefully next year my bookkeeping experience will be sufficient to avoid this large of a fee, but because it our first year it is necessary to have an accountant confirm everything I submit.

Our web store, although not mandatory but required to sell the gear is almost $50.00 a month not including the fees off every item sold.

We are often required to pay for our place at at events and that can run anywhere from $0.00 for $400.00 an event to hold a spot.

The costs for literature, copyrights, Trademarks, nuans searches, registration of non profit, legal fees, event items such as a table, table cloths, business cards, canopy etc.etc cost us almost well over $1,000.00. We received an incredible donation which paid for almost everything mentioned in this paragraph.

As a non profit society the government does not allow us to distribute tax receipts that is only something that registered charities are able to do.

If we apply for charity status there are additional fees etc. and I currently do not have time to do the paperwork required for the application, so for the time being we will remain a legal non profit.

It is extremely costly to do what we do. So far I have spent almost 20k this year to get where we are. Several personal loans were provided to Justice for Bullies to get the gear that everyone had requested and to front the beginning stages of our operations.

We currently have about $15,000.00 tied up in my basement in gear as well.

In addition last year over a $1,000.00 was donated to local rescues.

So to each and every single one of you who have supported this organization, who have purchased gear, showed up to events, shared our posts, and helped us get one more step and 2 (maybe 3 ) municipalities closer to a breed neutral, more responsible dog owning population, thank you. We appreciate your efforts and help.


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